Can you help Nottingham Nightstop?
There are many ways to help Nottingham Nightstop. You could be a host, or a driver, or donate. We are also looking for people who would like to be involved in a pilot for Supported Lodgings and single young professionals/students who would be willing to live in a shared house alongside peers and a young person who has moved on from using Nottingham Nightstop emergency accommodation.

Could you be a volunteer host?

Nottingham Nightstop volunteer hosts are ordinary people who are willing to open the door of their home for a few nights a month to help young people in need. Hosts will needs to have a heart towards young people as well as a spare room. As a host you will be able to determine which nights you are available, when the young person will arrive at your home and when they leave in the morning. You will be expected to offer some food and you may be able to offer such practical support as the use of the washing machine or a shower. Training and DBS checks will be provided and arranged via Nottingham Nightstop.

If you would like to volunteer as a host for Nottingham Nightstop then please get in touch using the contact details below. We will arrange a home visit and talk through what hosting may mean for you.

Could you be a volunteer driver?

Nottingham Nightstop volunteer drivers pick up our young people from safe prearranged locations and drop them off at our volunteer hosts’ houses. This provides a friendly and reassuring first contact for the young person who may be very anxious. As with our volunteer hosts , training and DBS checks will be provided and arranged by Nottingham Nightstop.

If you would like to volunteer as a driver for Nottingham Nightstop then please get in touch using the contact details below.

Telephone Number: 0333 3232 265
