June 16, 2023 5:26 am

Open Homes took part in the Charity Market Place at Bilborough College

Great to meet the students at the Charity Marketplace organised by Daniel Cowlishaw at Bilborough College. We had lovely chats with several young people and explained what we were about. Our biggest ask was that they would befriend us on social media to help raise awareness, especially if they know someone who is at risk of homelessness. Obviously we don’t expect them to host, however we did suggest that as they were off to Uni could nick their room for Nightstop!

It’s always a pleasure to talk to young people, full of plans, hopes, ideas and not a little trepidation as they find their way in the world. Young people should be getting all the support they need to find their way, whether it’s some careers advice or a little encouragement. They shouldn’t have to deal with homelessness and all of the uncertainty it brings.

Please help Open Homes fill the gap that opens up when a young person becomes homeless. We need volunteer hosts and drivers as well as funding to keep this amazing charity going. If you can support us in any of these ways get in touch and let’s talk about looking after our young people