March 10, 2023 2:25 pm

Recently an 18 year old student came into contact with Open Homes Nottingham after reading about us on our website and hearing about us through his brother, who we had helped house previously. At this stage he had spent 12-nights either sleeping on friend’s sofas, on a park bench, or on the floor of a mosque in Hyson Green. He had been in the same clothes across this time period, had not had opportunity to shower, and was riding buses to keep warm. He had been kicked out by his uncle, as his uncle was no longer willing to house him once he stopped receiving child-benefit. He had a worker at the Nottingham Refugee Forum who was able to provide a referral.

He was housed by Nottingham Nightstop (Open Homes project) until he was accepted into the Winter Shelter operated by Emmanuel House. During this period, Nottingham Nightstop was able to spend £40 in order to supply him with some clothes.

When a Nightstop Host heard that the young person was unhappy and struggling with college during his stay at the Winter Shelter, Open Homes Nottingham got back involved in his case trying to coordinate Nottingham Arimathea, the Notts Refugee Forum and Emmanuel House to come to an arrangement that would be in the young person’s best interests. We wanted to enable him to thrive at college with some stability and his own space, in the interim period before more permanent suitable accommodation could be found for him.

He stayed on Nottingham Nightstop again until he started a Supported Lodgings placement. Open Homes Nottingham helped him to pick up his belongings (including some of his college work) from his uncle’s. He settled quickly and was able to attend college. He now has weekly support meetings with the Open Homes support worker and a support plan in place.

Since then this young person has been able to access student accommodation and is able to continue to study for his GCSE’s.

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